5 Benefits of SADC

5 Benefits of Joining SADC

As a small business owner you have a lot on your mind and a lot of things to worry about. It might be hard to justify another expense and receiving more emails, more invitations to events and getting more phone calls.

Unlike some services though, membership in the Sigourney Area Development Corporation (SADC) is one benefit that pays for itself many times over. Here are five reasons why it pays to join SADC:

Increased Customer Perception

SADC has two roles in the Keokuk County community. The first is the economic development role which involves building up new businesses, attracting businesses to the area and making Keokuk County a good place to run a business. The other is as the Chamber of Commerce for Keokuk. Chambers help promote local businesses, help businesses stay in the region and advocate for friendly policies and laws that help businesses.

As a member of SADC, your perception among customers changes. One survey by Market Street Services () found:

  • Membership in the Chamber communicates a business has good practices and is reputable
  • Being highly involved in the Chamber (like being on the Board of Directors) makes consumers 12% more likely to think its products are better than the competitors
  • When consumers know a restaurant franchise is a member of the Chamber, they are 40% more likely to eat there in the next few months
  • When consumers know an insurance company is a member of the Chamber, they are 43% more likely to consider buying insurance from them
  • When consumers know a small business is a member of the Chamber, they are 44% more likely to think favorably of it and 63% more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future.

Discounts and Benefits

As a SADC member you can qualify for some exclusive discounts and benefits. The Keokuk County Small Business Network is a monthly training session provided free for SADC members on topics like social media, workforce development, business development and other subjects.

Other benefits we’re exploring for the future are identity theft protection, background checks, training courses and credit card processing. When you’re a member of SADC you benefit from our group-buying power to get you the best deals.

Educational Opportunities

In addition to the Keokuk County Small Business Network, SADC members also benefit from the Member Center, which includes articles (like this one) and other useful information on everything from accounting to zoning.

If you’re interested in starting a business you can also get a free New Business Starter Kit. If you have ideas for topics you’d like to learn about, please let us know!